
Endodontics is a special branch of dentistry that focuses on the examination and treatment of the dental pulp and the tissues surrounding the tooth roots. It is the removal of infected or damaged pulp, cleaning and disinfecting the inside of the tooth and then filling it.


The patient's condition is determined


Root canals are entered, their length is determined and the canal is shaped


All infected areas are cleaned


Root canals are filled, the upper part of the filled tooth is restored

What is root canal treatment (Endodontics)?

Inside the teeth, there is a small chamber (pulp) with capillary blood vessels and nerves that gives life to the tooth. This structure, which enables the teeth to grow and erupt, also acts as a warning and alarm when decay occurs.

When tooth decay breaks down the hard tissues of the tooth and progresses to the pulp chamber, toothache appears and the acids secreted by the bacteria (if left untreated) kill the pulp.
The resulting toxins (poisons) leak out through the narrow hole at the root tip and spread to the jawbone. The inflammation in the jawbone causes loss of the tooth and destruction of the surrounding tissues. Before reaching this stage, it is the best solution to remove the diseased pulp tissue to protect the tooth and surrounding tissues.

After the pulp tissue is cleaned, various procedures are applied and disinfected to purify this chamber from bacteria. As a result, this cavity is filled with special substances up to the root tip.

What is a filling?

Filling is the restoration of the cavity of decayed teeth after all decay and residues have been cleaned with a material that has been proven to be able to stand in the mouth for a long time without causing problems in accordance with the normal form of that tooth.

What is tooth decay?

Tooth decay is mostly perceived as cavities with dark discolouration. Although it is a preventable disease, there are very few people in the world who do not experience tooth decay.

Why do teeth decay?

Bacterial plaque consisting of bacteria in the mouth can form acids from the residues of sugary and floury foods left in the mouth. These acids dissolve the mineral tissue of the teeth, causing the enamel of the tooth to deteriorate and ultimately cause tooth decay and cavities that dentists call cavities.

Who has more caries?

Since cavities are formed as a result of the meeting of sugary and floury foods with bacteria, there is a danger for everyone. However, those who have a high proportion of carbohydrate and sugary foods in their diet are in much more danger of caries if the fluoride content of the water is very low. Although saliva is a natural defence mechanism against the acid formed by bacterial plaque, it cannot prevent caries on its own. Diseases or medications that reduce the flow and amount of saliva also accelerate the formation of caries.

Bacterial plaque consisting of bacteria in the mouth can form acids from the residues of sugary and floury foods left in the mouth. These acids dissolve the mineral tissue of the teeth, causing the enamel of the tooth to deteriorate and ultimately cause tooth decay and cavities that dentists call cavities.

Can tooth decay be prevented?

It is most effective to brush your teeth in the morning after breakfast and in the evening before going to bed and to floss every day. Toothbrushes should be small-sized as food residues accumulate mostly in the recesses on the chewing surfaces of the teeth and on the interfaces where the teeth touch each other. The inner surfaces of the teeth, the outer surfaces, the chewing surfaces and the top of the tongue should be brushed and dental floss should be used at the interfaces. Brushes should have moderately hard or soft bristles and should be changed at regular intervals. Brush bristles should not be worn and should be kept in a way that does not carry bacteria. Never use someone else’s toothbrush. Use a fluoride toothpaste when brushing your teeth to make use of fluoride’s role in preventing tooth decay. In addition to fluoride toothpastes, fluoride mouthwashes that provide a feeling of freshness and cleanliness by removing bad breath can also be used.

It is also important to try to eat sugary foods at main meals and to avoid eating between meals.
Regular visits to the dentist are the best way to prevent or catch a cavity early. In addition, in cases such as cold and heat sensitive teeth or painful teeth or chalky coloured initial caries, brown discolouration and cavities, consulting a dentist without delay will change the treatment and reduce the difficulty.
Is tooth decay more common than in the past?
Yes and unfortunately. Especially in developing countries like us, tooth decay is more common than in the past. The reason for this is the change in eating habits. Since old people used to eat hard foods, teeth were cleaned naturally. Today, with the development of the ready-made food industry, the consumption of such foods has also increased. Foodstuffs such as biscuits, sugar, chocolate, cola, which are always at hand, are considered to be the main culprits of the increase in tooth decay today because they are acid-forming substances that stick to the teeth.

How can I prevent caries formation?

Teeth should be brushed with a fluoridated toothpaste.Dentalypi or other interface tools should be used for the interfaces of your teeth.Pay attention to a balanced diet.Ask your dentist about “fluoridation” and “fissure sealants”, which make your teeth more resistant to decay.You should visit your dentist regularly for professional dental cleaning and oral examination.

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