
Periodontology is a specialised field of dentistry that focuses on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of periodontal disease, as well as the placement and maintenance of dental implants.

Intraoral treatments Filling / Tartar cleaning / Bacteria cleaning / Oral hygiene control is performed


It is decided whether the patient needs further periodontal treatment.


Advanced periodontal treatment surgical approach and gingival curettage procedures are performed.


In the treatment, patients come to their physician in 3 or 6 months and ensure the continuation of the treatment.

What is Periodontal Disease?

When these diseases are diagnosed at an early stage, they can be treated easily and successfully. Prevention or treatment of gum disease brings other benefits, such as the preservation of natural teeth, easier chewing and better digestion. Periodontal diseases start with inflammation of the gums (gingivitis). So, gingivitis is the early stage of periodontal disease. In this period, the gums are bleeding, red and enlarged in volume. It may not cause much discomfort in the early period. If left untreated, the disease may progress to periodontitis and cause irreversible damage to the alveolar bone supporting the gums and teeth.

Periodontitis is a more advanced stage of periodontal disease. The alveolar bone is damaged along with the tissues supporting the teeth. The presence of a "periodontal pocket" between the tooth and gum facilitates the localisation of the infection and the progression of the disease. As the disease progresses, the teeth begin to wobble and may even be extracted.

What is the Importance of Periodontology?

The presence of inflammation or periodontal disease in the tissues supporting the teeth can cause loss of teeth without caries in the teeth with progressive disease. Periodontal treatment is the basic treatment in dentistry. It aims to ensure that patients can provide their own oral hygiene. Complaints such as my gums are bleeding, my teeth are shifting as I get older, my gums are receding, my teeth have started to shake should be examined by a specialist periodontologist.

The colour of my gums has changed. Problems such as receding gums between my teeth are among the subjects examined by periodontology.

In addition, it has been shown in studies that the examination of the periodontologist (gum disease specialist) before making any prosthesis (porcelain crowns, removable prostheses, implant applications) extends the life of the prosthesis. This means that if the tissues supporting the teeth are not healthy, it means that the foundation of a building is not solid. As a building without a solid foundation cannot be very solid, the prostheses to be made on the teeth that do not pass the periodontologist examination are not very long-lasting.

What are the Symptoms of Gum Disease?

There are many signs of gum disease; bleeding gums during tooth brushing red swollen and sensitive gums gums that can be easily separated from the teeth, receding gums, inflammatory discharge between the teeth and gums teeth that shake or gradually move away from each other (formation of gaps between the teeth or increase in existing gaps) change in the relationship between the upper and lower teeth during biting change in partial denture fit, deterioration. persistent bad breath.

However, periodontal disease can also reach advanced stages without any symptoms. Therefore, it is extremely important to visit the dentist at regular intervals.

What Causes Gum Disease?

The most important cause of gum disease is the sticky and colourless film layer accumulated on the teeth called “bacterial dental plaque”. Removal of dental plaque by daily brushing and flossing is the basic requirement for a healthy mouth. If plaque is not effectively removed from the teeth, it turns into an irregular surface and permeable structure known as calculus or tartar. Harmful products released by the bacteria in plaque cause irritation of the gums. Due to these products, the fibres that bind the gum tightly to the tooth are destroyed, the gum moves away from the tooth and a periodontal pocket is formed. This facilitates the progression of bacteria and products to deeper tissues. As the disease progresses, the pocket deepens, the bacteria progress deeper; it progresses to the bone and destruction of the alveolar bone supporting the tooth begins. If the disease is left untreated, the teeth may eventually become loose and may even require extraction.

How to Prevent Gum Disease?

The most important task in the prevention of periodontal disease lies with the individual. In order to maintain healthy teeth, bacterial dental plaque must be removed by daily oral care (brushing and flossing). Regular visits to the dentist are equally important. Daily oral care can minimise, but not completely prevent, tartar formation. It is necessary for a dentist to evaluate areas that cannot be reached with a toothbrush, dental floss or other cleaning tools in order to remove existing dental plaque and / or calculus.

What is the Treatment of Gum Diseases?

In the early stages of dental disease, treatment involves the removal of attachments on the teeth (plaque and calculus) and the maintenance of a smooth root surface. This removes bacteria and irritants that cause inflammation in the gums. Usually, this treatment is sufficient for the gum to adapt to the tooth again or for the gum to shrink and the pocket to be eliminated. In the majority of cases in the early stage of gum disease, effective daily oral care following scaling, plaque removal and a smooth root surface is sufficient for successful treatment. More advanced cases may require surgical treatment. The aim of this treatment is to remove calculus from the deep periodontal pockets surrounding the teeth, to eliminate the pocket by shrinkage and to provide a smooth root surface and to create a gingival form that can be cleaned more easily.

After periodontal treatment, patients should be regularly examined by the dentist, plaque control and removal of new calculus deposits. However, it should not be forgotten that no procedure can be more beneficial for the maintenance of what has been achieved with periodontal treatment than the effective implementation of daily oral care procedures.

What Does Periodontological Treatment Include?

1.Initial Periodontal Treatment:

Taking all systemic and intraoral records of the patient, Removal of plaque harbouring bacteria on the teeth, Informing the patient about oral hygiene, Informing the patient about periodontal disease, Correction of the fillings in the mouth to provide the optimum situation for the patient to provide their own oral hygiene, Removal of dental calculus, Removal of bacterial deposits on tooth roots, Root surface levelling,
It covers the control of the relationship (occlusion) between the teeth in the upper and lower jaw. Oral Hygiene Control It is the control of the patient’s oral hygiene by a periodontologist 1 or 2 weeks after the scaling and polishing procedures are performed.

The areas where the patient cannot provide oral hygiene are explained to the patient again and the mistakes are shown to the patient.

2. Re-assessment:

After the initial periodontal treatment, the patient is re-evaluated. As a result of this evaluation, it is decided whether the patient needs further periodontal treatment.

3. Advanced Periodontal Treatment:

Advanced periodontal treatment includes surgical approach and gingival curettage procedures.

Surgical Approaches Include:

REGENERARTIVE SURGICAL PERIPHERODONTAL treatment: aims to regain lost periodontal tissues (ku support).

4. Maintenance Treatment:

It aims to maintain the health of the tissues after active periodontal treatment. In this treatment, patients come to their physician in 3 or 6 months to ensure the continuation of the treatment.

Postoperative Recommendations After Periodontal Surgery: Do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours after the surgical procedure. You should stay away from hot food and drinks in the first 24 hours after surgery. Chewing should be done with the area not included in the operation. Soft and warm foods are suitable. Acidic fruit juices, alcoholic beverages and spicy foods should be avoided. Otherwise, they will cause pain.
Smoking should be avoided in the days following the operation. Smoking should be avoided after the surgical procedure as it will irritate the gum, jeopardise healing and increase the temperature inside the mouth. Prostheses, if any, should be used as little as possible for 2 weeks following the operation.
If there is no pat in the operated area or if it falls, the lip and cheek should not be lifted to look at the columns.

The pat placed on the operation area is to make you comfortable and to protect the wound area from irritation. It prevents pain, facilitates wound healing and allows you to continue your usual activities comfortably. The patch may feel uncomfortable for the first few hours after it is placed. Do not move the patch with the tongue or fingers. Do not panic if the inserted plaster breaks off in small pieces. Call your doctor if large pieces break off or if you feel very uncomfortable.

There may be slight swelling. You can prepare an ice pack and apply it externally on the operation area on the first day. Frequently rinse your mouth gently with a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of salt. There may be some leakage from the surgical site in the first 4-5 hours after the operation. This will give your saliva a red colour. In this case, do not panic and if the leakage continues, you can roll a clean gauze and apply it to the bleeding area for 20 minutes. Longer bleeding should be controlled by your doctor.In the first 24 hours after the operation, chills and weakness may occur. This is normal and there is no need to worry. You can continue your daily activities, but sports that require excessive effort should not be done.Follow the prescription prescribed by your doctor for postoperative recovery. If your doctor recommends antibiotics, use them as prescribed. If you have pain after the operation, you can take painkillers. In this case, aspirin or similar salicylic acid derivatives should not be taken.You can apply normal brushing procedures to the non-operated areas. Brush the chewing surfaces of the teeth in the operation area. If the pat has not been applied, you can also brush the teeth in that area. However, do not go under the gums when flossing. If your doctor recommends, you can use the recommended mouthwash after brushing. Rinse your mouth after eating. You can wipe the paw with damp cotton wool or an ear swab.At the end of the period recommended by your doctor (1 week or 10 days), call your doctor to have your stitches removed and for control.

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